
My name is Komal Chopra. I am a motivational speaker, clinical hypnotherapist and happiness Guide. My mission in life is to spread happiness and inspire others to do the same. So, we can all get together and make the world a better, happier place to live.

I hail from India and currently live in the UK with my husband and daughter.

I love to study the science of happiness, human mind and how it perceives different things. This knowledge allows me to put things in perspective and share with the world to ensure everyone understands how we can be happier and live a more fulfilled life. I specialize in the science of happiness at work and do corporate workshops on educating and inspiring people on how they can be happier at work. This not only enhances wellbeing at work, it also improves bottom line.




Presentations are part of any organisation’s success and a personal story is a critical element of a good presentation. Help your employees find their stories and share with others via an effective yet authentic way of presentation delivery.

a. Importance of finding your story and sharing:

b. Art of public speaking (even if it is not perfect)


A lot of times, we carry emotional baggage that gets transferred into stress, fears and pains. This affects our confidence, our ability to think and work effectively. Hence, it is critical that organisations give their people an opportunity to release the old wounds. This will allow them to truly thrive in anything they do.

a. Stress | Depression | Anxiety

b. Fears and Phobias

c. Low confidence and Self-esteem

d. Pain Management

e. Insomnia | Sleep Disorders

f. Unwanted thoughts/negativity

g. Beat Procrastination

h. Improve Work Performance

✥  The group meditation can be done on other topics such as eating disorders, addictions or other health related issues. It can be customized to what the group needs to work on.

KeyNote: Happy employees achieve better results

There is a lot of research done on Science of Happiness at Work that shows that happy employees work better in all areas of their work life. This allows them to contribute better in their organisation’s mission while enjoying better wellbeing at work. This key note talks about the PERK model that has 4 key factors that bring happiness at work – Purpose, Engagement, Resilience and Kindness.


✥  Highly engaging and inspiring sessions packed with scientifically proven research data and statistics, tools and best practices.

✥  5 minute meditation at the start of every session to enhance focus and attention.

✥  15 minute deep meditation after every session to reinforce learning and motivation.

✥  The meditation exercises consist of relaxation techniques, guided visualization along with positive affirmation and powerful music for a deep relaxing and fulfilling experience.

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Happy employees achieve better business results but that should not be the purpose. It is a by-product. The purpose should be employee happiness.